Home " Public works and landscaping
Bioret Indus TP offers customized solutions for public works and landscaping, including recycled rubber pavements and soil stabilization systems.
The products enhance the durability and safety of outdoor infrastructures.
Looking to protect your outdoor soil? Looking for an ornament like a rubber garden border?
We offer you the possibility of protecting all your floors thanks to our exterior coatings designed to hold the ground against the passage of machinery and animals.
Discover a wide choice of plates and various protections and eliminate ground subsidence with ideal soil stabilization.
Oursoil stabilizers and canvases are resistant and of professional quality. Made from geotextile, PVC or rubber, they are multi-purpose and drain soil in wet periods. No more mud at the entrance to pastures and buildings!
Whatever the case, the underlay you choose will make your daily travel easier and ensure optimum comfort!
We also offer a range of ornamental products for outdoor landscaping.
Practical to install, our rubber garden edging will win you over thanks to its insulation and adaptability to all types of soil.
Combine your rubber garden edging with fencing and artificial turf for a harmonious, easy-to-maintain exterior.
Decorate your exterior with a rubber grating whose anti-slip properties will delight you!
At Bioret, you're bound to find the floor stabilization or outdoor ornament you're looking for.
Comfort, safety and robustness for industry and public works.
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Bioret Group 2024